Welcome to the National Carnival Commission of Trinidad and Tobago

NCC launches visual Art Exhibition

The National Carnival Commission, in conjunction with the Art Society of Trinidad and Tobago, will launch their Visual Art Exhibition, in celebration of local artists whose work explores the area of T&T Carnival. The exhibition will put Carnival-themed works by visual artists working in a variety of media on show, at venues around the country.

The series will begin on February 12 with an exhibition of works by master mas man, the late Wayne Berkeley at NALIS, Port-of-Spain. The exhibition will feature some 40 Carnival designs and will be unveiled in the Rotunda of the library at 6:30 pm.

The official launch of NCC's Visual Art Exhibition takes place the following evening at the Art Society, Corner Jamaica Blvd. and St. Vincent Avenue in Federation Park, at 6 pm.

Artwork will also be on show at NCC's Carnival Village, which is ongoing at the Queen's Park Savannah, at a booth hosted by the Art Society. The Visual Art Exhibition will continue at NAPA South from February 19th, and at Lowlands Mall in Tobago from February 25.

More information on Carnival events is available at NCC's site, onecarnivalpeople.com.

Dates and venues:
Visual Arts Exhibition
NALIS: opens February12, 6 pm
Opening hours: 10 am - 6 pm
Until March 15.
Closed on March 3 & 4

Art Society: opens February 13, 6:30 pm
Opening hours: 10 am-6 pm
Until March 8

NAPA South: opens February 19, 6 pm
Opening hours: 10 am - 4 pm
Until March 15

Lowlands Mall, Tobago: opens February 25
Opening hours: 10 am-6 pm
Until March 11