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TTCBA Relief Hamper Drive

Jun 8, 2021 | News

On Monday, June 7, the Trinidad and Tobago Carnival Bands Association (TTCBA), led by their President, Rosalind Gabriel and her team, marshalled their efforts to support the Mas Community during the pandemic with the distribution of 75 relief hampers to their members.

The pandemic has presented no end of hardships to many, including our members across Trinidad and Tobago. As resilient as they are creative, many of them have been trying their hardest to make the best of this difficult situation, but even in that, there is only so much they can do on their own. As grateful and relieved as they are by our gesture, we are equally pleased to have been able to make today happen.

A very special thank you to the Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Senator, the Honourable Clarence Rambharat and to NAMDEVCO, without whom, none of this would have been possible.

“To the Mas Community we say that we continue to be in this together and it is a great comfort to know and see what can be accomplished when all hands are on deck. Have faith. Better days are indeed coming.” – TTCBA President, Rosalind Gabriel.