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NCC Thanks Carnival 2018 Stakeholders

Feb 14, 2018 | News

Port of Spain, Trinidad, February 13, 2018: The Chairman and Board of Commissioners of the National Carnival Commission of Trinidad and Tobago (NCC) wish to thank all stakeholders for their invaluable contributions to a successful Carnival 2018 and to congratulate all the winners in all of this year’s competitions. 

On behalf of the Commission, the Executive Chairman, Colin Lucas extends his thanks to the Special Interests Groups. He also acknowledges the dedicated work of the staff of the NCC in managing all aspects of Carnival 2018.

Acknowledging the concerns raised about safety and security this Season, the Executive Chairman said, “Our internal security department has been especially vigilant in their monitoring of the Queen’s Park Savannah. The Commission applauds the work of the various arms of National Security for their work throughout the country.”

Lucas also recognised the many Carnival 2018 sponsors, including the NLCB, Republic Bank, Caribbean Airlines, Massy Technologies, Blue Waters, SM Jaleel, and Angostura Limited.

“More than simply investing financially and culturally in many of the season’s major events, they have also willingly engaged with us at a time when it was needed more than ever,” Lucas said.

He added, “Looking ahead, we will continue to work closely with all our stakeholders; recognising our differences, yet strengthened by our passion and determination so that we can arrive at the best Carnival product for nationals and visitors alike.”

“Our work for Carnival 2019 begins now.”