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NCC Mourns The Passing Of 2-Time Carnival King, Roland St. George

Jan 21, 2019 | News

Port of Spain, Trinidad: Monday January 21, 2018: The National Carnival Commission of Trinidad and Tobago (NCC) joins with the nation in remembering the life of Roland St. George – Carnival King, Mas Maker, Artisan, and industry pioneer – who died on January 20, 2019.

Remembering St. George’s rich legacy and invaluable contributions to the Carnival industry as a masquerader, a monarch, and later as a bandleader, NCC Chairman, Winston “Gypsy” Peters said, “We are deeply touched and saddened by Roland’s passing.”

“His work in the field was second-to-none and his death comes as a great loss to the Carnival community.”

“We have lost another icon, and just like those who have gone before, Roland will truly be missed,”

The NCC joins with the nation in remembering him and extends sincerest condolences to his family, loved ones, colleagues and peers during this especially difficult time.