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Public Notice: Application For Police Carnival Permits 2019

Feb 12, 2019 | News

Port of Spain, Trinidad: Tuesday, February 12: Persons wishing to enter the areas restricted to vehicular traffic in Port of Spain on Carnival Monday and Tuesday must apply for the relevant permit(s) from the Assistant Commissioner of Police ‘Mobile/Operations’ Traffic and Highway Patrol Branch, Garden Road, Aranguez South, no later than Monday 25th February, 2019.

Applicants seeking permits must submit COPIES of the following documents:

  1. Application letter
  2. Certificate of Insurance for the vehicle being used over the Carnival period
  3. Driver’s Permit of the designated driver for the vehicle
  4. Test Inspection Certificate verifying the roadworthiness of all private vehicles (5) years and above from the manufactured date; and Certified Copy
  5. Test inspection Certificate for ALL COMMERCIAL VEHICLES; and Certified Copy for Vehicle

Persons contracted to play musical instruments and render other services to CARNIVAL BANDS must submit COPIES of the following additional documents:

  1. Letter of authorisation from bandleaders
  2. Permit from the Licensing Office to carry musical instruments and excess passengers
  3. Special Insurance to convey excess passengers on the vehicle
  4. Driver’s permit; Certificate of Insurance for Vehicle; Test Inspection Certificates; Certified Copy
  5. Vehicles carrying Drinks, food, and toilets must provide a layout of the tray or trailer
  6. Caterers and persons on food trucks must have a valid food badge


  • A copy of the Driver’s Permit of the designated driver(s). If the driver is not the owner of the vehicle in question, a letter from the owner permitting the vehicle to be used for the specific purpose
  • A copy of the Certificate of Insurance of the vehicle(s) in question. In the case of a trailer, a copy of the Certificate of Insurance for the trailer
  • A copy of the last Inspection Certificate for the vehicle (and trailer) in question
  • A copy of Permission from Licensing Office to play music on the road
  • A copy of Permission from Licensing Office to carry additional persons on goods vehicle
  • A copy of the Special Insurance to cover the additional persons carried on the vehicle
  • A copy of EMA noise variation
  • A copy of permit from the relevant copyright organisation as necessary: – COTT / TTOC / AWESOME.


There are 3 types of permits: 

1. Band Route Access: For Carnival Band Stakeholders e.g. Vehicles carrying generators and costumes etc. All vehicles that are granted access by means of this permit are restricted only to the designated NCC band Route.

All music trucks having presented all their relevant documentation would be given this permit as well. 

2. Restricted Access: This pass is given to vehicles that are in need of access into POS whether to go to their homes or places of work. This type of permit grants access only to a few streets depending on where the applicant needs to drive. If caught outside of the specific areas mentioned on these Restricted Access permits by a competent authority, the permit can be taken away. 

3. All Access: Reserved for persons needing access to various areas within POS, such as media members, delivery vehicles, and security firms etc. This permit grants access to all areas except the designated NCC band route.

Music trucks and truck and trailers must have very specific documents, including insurance for persons such as DJs and masqueraders, relevant copyright licenses, and special Carnival permits which are granted by the Licensing Office.

Light motor vehicles are only required to supply copies of valid driver’s permits of all persons who may be driving said vehicle on Carnival Monday and Tuesday along with valid insurance, certified copy, and vehicle inspection, notwithstanding a valid reason for their application.

There is a facility located at the NCC Offices at the Queen’s Park Savannah which houses the copyright organisations and members of the TTPS. Members of the TTPS will be at the facility on Wednesdays and Thursdays beginning this week (February 13) where processing of the requisite permits will be done.  The bandleader, service provider or other relevant stakeholders are required to go to this facility to secure the following:

  • Relevant approvals from the respective copyright organisations as necessary
  • The service provider, bandleader or other relevant stakeholder must provide copies of all documents from City Corporation, Licensing Office, and evidence validating copyright obligations have been met inclusive of a letter from the NCC confirming the number of vehicles the Band will be authorised to have on the streets. Stakeholders will be required to take these documents to the TTPS to secure the required permits as outlined above.

Any lawful authority can request of the driver to inspect the permit and relevant documents. If found in violation of their permits, these may be seized and returned to the office of the ACP mobile/operations.

For further information please call: Tel No. 675-7810