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Advisory To All Suppliers / Contractors

Jun 5, 2023 | Procurement

Register With The Office Of Procurement Regulations Database – Procurement Depository

Following the proclamation of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act 2015, as amended, (the Act), on April 26th, 2023, Contractors and Suppliers desirous of providing goods, works or services to the National Carnival Commission of Trinidad and Tobago (NCC) are advised that they must be registered in the Office Of Procurement Regulation (OPR) Procurement Depository.

Pursuant to Section 26 (1) and 13 (1) (q) of the Act, the OPR has established a database, known as the Procurement Depository. In registering, suppliers/contractors will be required to upload/input the relevant, required and associated documentation as evidence of possessing the requisite qualifications and experience to provide said goods, works and/or services to the NCC.

The Act being proclaimed, all public procuring entities will be required to only select or utilise those suppliers and contractors successfully registered in the Procurement Depository for among other things, to conduct their pre-qualification and subsequent pre-selection in their associated future procurement proceedings.

Section 26 (3) places full responsibility on the supplier/contractor to ensure the accuracy of all information submitted. The Procurement Depository can be accessed via the following link – or via the OPR’s website –