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Application for Carnival Permits 2020

Jan 13, 2020 | News

Carnival Bands wishing to use the streets of Port-of-Spain (POS) on Carnival Monday and Tuesday


  • NCC Registration
  • POS City Corporation Approval
  • Ministry of Health Approval
  • Transport Division Approval
  • Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) Carnival Permits

Applicable to:

  • Music Trucks/Trailers
  • Residents of Port-of Spain and environs being impeded by the Traffic Restrictions
  • Persons / Companies with legitimate reasons to enter Port-of-Spain during the period

Applicants must submit ORIGINALS AND COPIES of the following documents:

  1. Application letter and/or Letter of Authorisation from band in the case of Carnival bands.
  2. Certificate of Insurance for the vehicle being used over the Carnival period.
  3. Driver’s Permit of the designated driver for the vehicle.
  4. Test Inspection Certificate of all private vehicles (5) years and older, from the manufactured date, and the certified copy.
  5. Test inspection Certificate for ALL COMMERCIAL VEHICLES; and the certified copy.

All Access and Restricted Access Permits would be issued to successful applicants. These permits grant the holder access to areas of P.O.S., EXCLUSIVE of the NCC Parade of the Bands Route as stipulated on the Letter of Authorisation.

In the case of Music Trucks/Trailers, the following documents must also be supplied:

  • Permit from the Licensing Authority to carry musical instruments and excess passengers.
  • Special Insurance to convey excess passengers on the vehicle.
  • Permit from the relevant content management organisation as necessary: – COTT/TTCO/AWESOME LTD.

Band Route Access Permits, Letters of Authorisation, and Approval Certificates from the Association of Trinidad and Tobago Insurance Companies (ATTIC) would be issued to successful applicants. These permits grant the holder access ONLY to the designated NCC Parade of the Bands Route.

Starting Thursday, January 16, 2020, the NCC One-Stop Shop facility, located Queen’s Park Savannah, will accommodate representatives of the TTPS, Ministry of Health and the POS City Corporation from Thursday, February 16, to Thursday, February 20. Office hours are Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. 

Thereafter, applications may be made at:
The Office of the Assistant Commissioner of Police
Specialised Support
17 Garden Road, Aranguez

Bandleaders, service providers or other relevant stakeholders are required to utilise these facilities to complete the registration process.

Furthermore, all applicants must ensure that:

  • Trucks and Trailers: A layout of the tray or trailer for all vehicles carrying drinks, food, and toilets facilities is provided to the POS City Corporation.
  • Caterers and persons on Food trucks must present a valid food badge.
  • All the required approvals must be on display and available for viewing by the authorities during the period of approval.

For further information please contact: Akila Langdon, Business Operation Assistant
National Carnival Commission of Trinidad and Tobago, Tel No. (868) 737-2345, Email:


Download Public Notice (PDF)