The facility is located at the Queen’s Park Savannah staffed with representatives of the POS City Corporation, Ministry of Health, Transport Division, and TTPS.
Responsibility of Bandleaders:
- To provide letter or contract as necessary to supplier(s) of service(s) – for example, truck drivers, or the driver of any other vehicle that would be required to be on the road on Carnival Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.
Responsibility of Service Providers/or Bandleaders:
- The Service Provider or Bandleader must provide the following documents along with their application for permits:
- Letter or contract from bandleader
- Certificate of Insurance
- Certified copy of ownership
- Vehicle Inspection Certificate as necessary
- Special Insurance (for additional persons on vehicle’s tray or trailer)
- Valid Copy of Driver’s permit (if driver is not the owner of the vehicle, a letter of authorisation will be required from the owner)
- Vehicles carrying drinks, food, and toilet facilities must provide a layout of the tray or trailer
- Caterers and persons on food trucks must present a valid food badge for 2020
- Copyright licenses, as may be deemed necessary, are the responsibility of the DJs providing the music. The service provider or bandleader must ensure that the DJ is fully compliant.
Download Public Notice (PDF)