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Neville Jules J’Ouvert Bomb Competition

Feb 9, 2018 | News

Come J’Ouvert morning, Monday 12 February, steelbands can participate in four (4) “bomb” competitions in and around the city of Port of Spain for cash prizes and trophies.

At Victoria Square, Park Street, Port of Spain, Pan Trinbago Northern Region in conjunction with NLCB will stage its event from 5:00 am to 11:00 am.

The second and longest-standing is the Downtown Carnival Committee’s.  This year, bands will be judged at the South Quay venue as opposed to “in front of City Hall.”

Then there is the Piccadilly Greens, Piccadilly Street, East Dry River, with bp Rengades on Charlotte Street as another venue.

Requirement is that participating bands perform a classical piece of music or a non-calypso tune arranged and played in calypso tempo.

The musical form was not a new idea as pannists were known to “drop a bomb” on the road at Carnival and other music events prior to 1963.

Pan Trinbago honoured Neville Jules by naming its annual J’Ouvert morning steelpan competition the “Neville Jules Bomb Competition”.