- The National Carnival Commission of Trinidad and Tobago (NCC) invites suitably qualified companies and individuals to tender for the provision of the following service for Carnival 2018.
(i) NCC-RFP-18-008 – Construction and Dismantling of North Stand at QPSINSTRUCTIONS FOR PURCHASE OF RFP PACKAGE
- A complete set of documents for this project and service can be purchased by the following methods:
(i) A non-refundable deposit of TT$1000.00 to NCC’s Account #1245183, at any First Citizens Branch;
(ii) Certified Cheque made payable to The National Carnival Commission; or
(iii) Cash Payment, made at the Finance Department, NCC Head Office.AFTER payment has been made the RFP package can be collected at NCC’s Head Office, #11 St. Clair Avenue, St. Clair, Port of Spain or electronically by request, from Tuesday, November 21, 2017 to Friday, December 1, 2017 (excluding weekends and public holidays), between the hours of 9 am to 3 pm. Proof of purchase must be provided (stamped deposit receipt from the bank) where necessary. Tenderers will be required to sign a Tender Purchase Form.
Documents will NOT be available for collection after the deadline date of Friday, December 1, 2017. Submittals by email or facsimile will NOT be considered.
- The required documents to be submitted include the following:
- Certificate of Registration, Incorporation, and Continuance, Annual Return
- Statutory Requirements i.e. valid VAT and NIS Certificates
- Biography of Tenderer including company background
- Organisational Chart of all personnel to be involved in contract
- Curriculum Vitae of key personnel
- Names and contact information of three (3) references
- Insurance Certificates
- A total Bid Price, Vat Exclusive, Vat Total and Vat Inclusive prices must be shown as separate line items.
- The successful tenderer/s will be required to deposit with the NCC a Performance Deposit of ten percent (10%) of the value of each contract, or alternatively, provide a bond in the sum as a guarantee for the proper performance of the contract. Upon the satisfactory completion of the contract, the deposit/bond will be refunded/released.
- One (1) original submission and three (3) copies must be provided and clearly marked “ORIGINAL” and “COPY 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The submissions are to be enclosed in separately sealed envelopes addressed to:
Tenders Committee
National Carnival Commission
11 St Clair Avenue
St Clair, Trinidad, W.I.
Construction and Dismantling of North Stand at QPS
NCC-RFP-18-008and deposited in the appropriate tender box located in the reception, NCC Head Office, #11 St. Clair Avenue, Port of Spain between 9 am to 3 pm weekdays (excluding weekends and public holidays).
- Tenderers will be required to sign a Tender Submittal Form.
- CLOSING DATE for submission is MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2017 at 10 AM. The time used would be taken from the clock located in the NCC reception area.
- Proponent’s Company name, return address, email address, mobile number, relevant NCC RFP Title and Identification Number must be clearly stated on all envelopes and documentation.
- Proposals received after the stipulated tender submission deadline will not be eligible for consideration and will be returned unopened.
- NCC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals for failure to comply with any mandatory requirements in the RFP and to discontinue the Tender Process.
- Additional information may be requested through email forwarded to the attention of The Secretary, Tenders Committee at tenderssecretary@ncctt.org.
- The public opening of tenders will be conducted shortly after closing on Monday, December 4, 2017 at the NCC’s Corporate Office, #11 St. Clair Avenue, Port of Spain. The tenderer or his/her representative may be present at the opening. This person may be required to present a Company ID or an authorisation letter from the Company.